
As a yahoo! plus subscriber, I was into mail-beta last year. reading the comments, people seem to love mail-beta. Personally, I thought it was really chunky... seemed to freeze up, cause firefox to crash on a semi-regular basis. I've actually rolled back to yahoo 'old school', and am happier.

This is from the Calgoo (aka TSI) Terms of Service: "TSI may work with other commercial entities to generate relevant timespace events and communicate these to a user using the communication methods the user specifies. Though Calgoo may disclose aggregate information about our users to these third-party entities, at

I just read the Google Blogoscoped post, and the associated comments. It really brings up the great question of would you trust a 3rd party with your google login info. Obviously we sort of already trust Google to be good with our info, but where does one draw the line. I really like/ need something like Calgoo, but

joeqcpa, or anyone else:

I've been using Coperic ask a desktop search for a few years and think it is great. Its rare when I need it, but I've never been let down. Especially usefull for going throught the reams of pdf files that I.

Great news. Thanks for posting that.

I'm having the same issue, its stopped working. Am assuming ESPN has caught on, and shut the feed down to the public. This could have made my Friday afternoon here at the office go by some much easier. ugh. may actually have to do real work to close out the week.

Maybe we need a post for bereaved Yahoo users, who are being forced to switch services due to Yahoo's inability to adapt?

I, like Wendy, have been a long time Yahoo user (starting in 1995 or 1996!). But, although sad to say, I have been migrating more and more away from all things Yahoo. Back in the day Yahoo was cutting edge, pushing along what we expected from the internet... now it seems more like microsoft explorer and AOL, the big