This is so fucking stupid that it’s hard to know where to even begin. They weren’t wearing white robes you fucking shitstains, so no, hoods were not the only thing saving their outfits from resembling Klan garb. The idea that white clothing in general has any obvious association with the KKK doesn’t bear a moment’s…
No, I’m with you. I’m usually pretty good at spotting whatever twisted point right wing dirtbags are trying to get at, but in this instance I haven’t the faintest idea what the fuck he’s talking about.
The Equal Justice Initiative has done some amazing work in terms of documenting this:
London is rough for black teenagers. Four young rappers got stabbed to death last year, all 16-19 years old, and old many more ordinary teenagers lost their lives to gang violence or just being caught outside their own postcode. It’s no joke for young black males in London, and the other major UK cities aren’t far…
That isn’t accurate. The rate spiked higher than New York during two months early last year that were statistical outliers. By October the NYC murder rate for the year so far was double that of London’s.
I cannot thank you enough times for the info.
This is wrong. This is wrong. This is wrong. This is wrong. I cannot repeat enough times that this is completely wrong.
My newish laptop thinks its Windows folder is only 5GB - but that’s clearly wrong as the System32 and WinSxS folders add up to over 8GB. How confusing. On my desktop machine (which has an older install) the Windows folder is about the same size as yours, with WinSxS accounting for 10GB - I’d say check the size of that…
I suppose a Band-Aid is a type of bandage, but you don’t usually hear it referred to like that. Dude’s got a Band-Aid covering a small cut on his hand.
Looking at the front page now, I see far more grades above B than below, and I’ve never discerned anything resembling bitterness in anything I’ve read on this site. In fact there seems to me to be to be a lot of positivity and enthusiasm. Shows are often heavily criticized, yes, but that’s the job - criticism.
I say we build a short section of this guy’s wall and then throw him the fuck off it. Then go home and leave his bloated corpse to rot in the desert.
Furthermore, why the hell would they move to impeach before Mueller’s report is released? This guy knows nothing about anything.
...but we are working with his orange ass over a wall.
The wall was never, ever going to happen, but I thought that when his supporters finally realised this, they all would blame anyone but Trump. Presumably many of them are doing just that, but the fact that even a few of them would actually hold Trump accountable for anything at all is surprising to me. As far as I can…
Many sides.
I think you replied to the wrong comment.
I’m 100% sure you understand how primary elections work.
The phrase ‘subpoena cannon’ has already become a cliche - I do like this idea of the Dems loading up the ‘subpoena dessert cart’ instead.