
Others have already answered your Q, but- not sure if this will make things better or worse- Jackson's not directing. Just producing and writing.

I respect your pun (accidental or deliberate), but this film has a lot of potential, IMO.

Tom was definitely naive in the first book (I reread it recently and that's exactly the adjective that stood out), but then that was kind of the point. I think Reeves did a good job of making him grow out of that though. I mean, I won't say he's the most complex character (though I haven't read the sequels), but I

You take that back! This is the brilliant Mortal Engines we're talking about. It can't flop. It cant :,(

For what it's worth, I enjoyed it (the second season was probably the best). But then, it sounds like I'm the only one that actually watched it, lol.

Not for Bruce.

Reading the comments on this page has made me realise why Batman really might feel the need to fight crime and has such an obsession with lycra: he got his sex education from Alfred.

Considering they probably can't drag out that transition from a 12 year old Bruce to Batman over 10 seasons, this show would seem to have a set arc unless they then continue further seasons on following Bruce as Batman.

Or a young Anakin Skywalker…