
No gamepad support. I’m not interested. After playing Diablo 3 on Ps4, I can’t go back to.....

click, click, click, click, click,click, click, click, click, click,click, click, click, click, click,click, click, click, click, click,click, click, click, click, click,click, click, click, click, click,click, click, click,

I had to rub my eyes twice, cuz i thought she was CGI

YES! And if it lets you play Spotify while you play games? Double yes!

fingers crossed there will will BE no next transformers transformers movie

Is he gonna demand 30$ for that mod?

The woman was later charged with possession.

This is a weird thing to me - games created with the sole purpose of pissing people off. I can't get addicted to purposefully bad controls and difficulty, but I guess that's just me.

Even "unfinished" - this game was pretty good. A decent timewaster/sim. Plus, it was cheap. I can't really complain about any time/money ratio. Boo fucking hoo, Internet.

This looks more like Flatspace though. Loved that game. Bookmarked.

No, no, no... Ever watched... "Human Target"?

Tomb Raider: Uncharted Edition!

No, Google, that's an Aileron roll.

Slow games news day I guess huh guys?

People don't buy them because they're cheap, they buy them because they are on sale. And when an item is on sale (not just Steam does this), it becomes more identifiable in the store.

Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast

Star Control II

Deus Ex