
I hope you find out he is a a 13 year old boy that is actually a 42 year old woman.

Do you honestly think if breitbart published a video hillary clinton fucking al gore in the ass they wouldn’t get sued into oblivion..

I wonder if this has anything to do with how awful this season has been.

lol yeah right if they knew he was a cop they would of waited till he got out of the hospital. They sure as hell would of made sure yo get a warrant first.

you know they are going to tamper with that blood to blame the accident on him instead of the police chase.

Well then I would recommend a parchment pouch.. no one likes dry fish.  

Well then I would recommend a parchment pouch.. no one likes dry fish.  

Umm wtf are you talking about? stone absorbs heat radiates it evenly. Maybe you should try baking something before you start talking this trash.

Umm wtf are you talking about? stone absorbs heat radiates it evenly. Maybe you should try baking something before

I just want to know where she grew up that was no girls allowed. Like when I grew up you pretty much saw girls like .......every where.

you were supposedly reading 3 year old books so your mad about stuff from 3 years ago? or you googled wonder woman comics and found out this played out controversy fro 3 years ago. Either way i think DC is better off without you.

Years of training allows them to shift internal organs up into the chest area so they are protected behind the chest area.

I don’t know where you live but 60 for an 1/8th of brick would get you laughed at or shot around here.

I didn’t see the original video but you did a great job of making him sound right in this video with your article. I don’t know about that bull shit about a pure society or demographic majority. WHAT IS A PURE SOCIETY? I can totally see how people would think that sounds bigoted but with no context who knows. If a

Say it ain’t so... Oh he did say that...... sounds like netflix has a new crossover opportunity. Orange is the new Ranch.  

Wait “ executive order banning Muslim refugees from seven countries, the president is putting professional drivers in more danger than they have been in any time since 9/11 when hate crimes against immigrants skyrocketed.” what?

Wait a minute the guy who I’ve been told does whatever he wants with women paid for prostitutes? That sounds suspicious.... I think this is all just to keep trump from enjoying the golden shower heads he has installed in all his residences.

You really don’t see the problem with reopening a lane?

You wait when you hear about it in the news, You Don’t Wait when it’s happening in the moment. That’s why most men are suspicious of rape allegations. The first question is why didn’t you punch him in the balls......I’m sure there are reasons I’m just saying men don’t understand them unless you’re physically

Your “friends” were pretty shitty and now you let some shitty people paint your whole worldview for you. You want to forgive the men in your life for some theoretical transgression against some theoretical woman? Let me ask, do you really think woman don’t “transgress” men? People make mistakes regardless of gender or

Those technologies weren’t abandoned they were shelved. 3D, Camera motion tracking, and motion controls, are steps forward in an immersive gaming experience. Bring them all together into one unified VR experience has the potential to be something greater then the sum of its parts. The death of the arcade put a real

Actually it’s a replacement for both. Boots and regular parking tickets. People ignore parking tickets and local municipalities struggle to force you to pay them. Booting is reserved for extreme violators because of the huge inconvenience. If every parking ticket resulted in a boot the public outrage would result in