
The story centers around something as banal as bedbugs. They get a cameo from the (awesome) Dr. Strange and he doesn't even do anything. It's disjointed, and for some reason literally every panel needs to have dialogue, onomatopoeia, or exposition, so it doesn't feel like the writer and artist are in synch at all.

What the hell was up with the interviewer trying to fight him on it the whole time? They were totally onboard with the (justified) Sublime hate.

I'm no old fogey but I still take off my hat and put my hand on my heart. Being proud of your nation at all is super uncool anymore among those us here in the AV comments. It's a pretty liberal crowd.

Yep. I don't really like it, the stories don't really go anywhere and the humor doesn't aim that high, but it's still around so I guess the kids like it.

Let me generalize this entire group to show how much of an open mind *I* have.

That's because their audience is people who don't buy comics.

Arthur is amazingly watchable on return viewing.

It's just another shitty opinion piece from an attention seeking artist, which makes her criticisms of attention seekers all the more funny.

Fuck off.

Marvel is shooting themselves in the foot over and over. Floppies at a dollar more with no more digital codes and so many events and #1s that I really don't care anymore about either one.

I watched one marvel movie, so I've basically seen them all. The fun quip-making hero beats the evil version of himself at the end, right?

The New Hanna Barbera runs are really good. Scooby-Doo Apocalype is really enjoyable too, and Future Quest is absolute gold; Wacky Races is the only letdown I've read yet.

Vaporwave also does allow for joking about itself quite a bit, what ith the slowed muzak and glittery, glitchy samples, it's very self-referential and purposfully obtuse. It is and isn't a joke, in the same way that people goof on country music while still knowing there are massively respectable artists under that

I'm still stunned there are people who enjoy having Chris Collinsworth commentate their games.

"Here, Brown gets tardy revenge on all the rich Hollywood assholes who treated her like a disposable sex object when she was at the height of her fame and desirability."

The AV club is a waste of time. I'm relegating it to the same space as Cracked and Drivl; once present, now essentially empty. They contradict themselves constantly, use writers like Art Tavana then get mad when they create something they don't like (or are unable to ignore shit they don't like, as smart internet

Bawwww, don't bring up something i disagree with to make a point on something I might agree with! I'm always right and my feelings win!

I'll take "Much Ado About Nothing" for $200, Alex.

Millenial writers like the new Thor? Hard pass.

It's just lazy to the point of being disgusting. Wow, you went on Wikipedia and found a list of presidential pets? Good job guys, must have taken you at least 30 minutes.