Forge Crown Victor!

Full size work trucks. Its absurd how expensive trucks have gotten. Want a stripped out, bare bones, V8 4x4 F150? $32k. Who needs fancy leather in a work truck, and who wants to spend $32k on a work truck.


But seriously fuck coal rollers, preferably with a rail spike covered in pissed off fire ants.

I do. :(

Spartan utility, and I never remember a door pocket/card/covering thing rattle in any of our 80's cars.

I think it was one of, if not the, first SUV’s that could realistically be used as an everyday car. Sure, they were still truck-like to drive, but they were relatively comfy, had amenities, and you could carry stuff inside it, rather than in an exposed truck bed. But I’d hardly call them “luxurious”. They were, at

Drop the mike. Story’s over.

I’m gonna say it was the 1966 Super Wagoneer that started it all. It was basically the luxury version of the standard Wagoneer and had air conditioning, an automatic transmission, power brakes, power steering, a tilt steering wheel and a push-button radio.

It was the bee’s knees.

This first Range Rover of the 70’s is sometimes (most often?) credited with this.

I like every thing about this, other than the INSIPID letter-numbers naming scheme that every luxury maker thinks is tits right now. Fuck that shit. Equus is a *way* better name than “G90”. G90 should be a chassis code, not a model name.

My only problem with Civics are not the car itself, but the fact that about 97% of them have been thrashed beyond recognition by the VTEC-YO! crowd. A pity. It’s so hard to find a clean one!

Gotta love the rabbit truck.

I was third owner of a (gen1) Ford Lightning before I could legally drink.

My son is almost 8.

I honestly don’t think we’ll see the type of depreciation that DeMuro is talking about among many Hellcat examples, but only time will tell. The real takeaway from this article is the sentence about stirring butter with a rope. That expression is mine now, and I don’t intend to give credit where it’s due. Thank you,

From 30HP

Nissan Juke

Yes, the Volvo center console doesn’t deserve all the hate. A very good looking design that is easy to use and felt really good and solid ten years ago.

TPMS I don’t get the hate, it works, I am bad about chcking my tires, it is nice to have something to remind me

but at least you can legally do 85 in texas, amirite?

And of course, the 1998 5.9L ZJ.