Metal in PA

First of all, saying "False. so false." does not make you 'right, so right'. Yes the Thor Bridge suicide to frame someone else plot device was used, but in the original story wasn't something to do with a wife trying to frame her husband's mistress and in Elementary it was to get the police to re-examine her sister's

I think they are leaving it for the audience to agree or disagree…they are not automatically forcing some counterpoint to these topics.

After ep2, Hart definitely is showing some damage, but Cole's damage just seems to be getting worse and worse. Both actors are off to a brilliant start in this show.

SO much meaningless bloat to the first season…yet, I still watched for some reason, guess I'll give this season a couple eps, but if it doesn't turn into Joe vs Ryan in a sort of cat and mouse vigilante hunt, I quit.

I think if you write enough reviews, or do some other meaningless task like ask if I want fries or onion rings with my dinner, you can become a critic for RT.

LOL, sorry to hear that.

So, a modern psychologist(Konnikova) saying that a psychologist from the early days of psychiatric medicine(Partridge) created a term that is no longer in use and never really was relevant is automatically right. But yet it still was in fact in the very first DSM published in 1952 as 'Sociopathic Personality

We actually do have A LOT of crap TV(and just waaaayyyy too much reality TV), most of it won't last past a season, sometimes they are given two if there is light at the end of the tunnel; but occasionally a shitty show slips through, or lucks out because of its timeslot/what it follows and last a few seasons. But

Point taken, but there was a time that the DSM (apparently the UK uses our DSM) had a specific set of guidelines for each, I was just relaying what I recalled from our discussion of the differences back when they were considered to be different neuroses. Now I know it wouldn't be like Sherlock to use an outdated

True, but at least in my mind, psychopath sounds worse then sociopath. And prior to the use of antisocial personality disorder as an all encompassing diagnosis, they were diagnosed and categorized differently. But essentially, a psychopath was just the worst case scenario of a sociopath, they had a lot of similarly

It's just easier to say "I'm a high functioning sociopath" than "I'm a high functioning man with an antisocial personality disorder" or something along that line. It sounds better too if you want to make the character even harder to sympathize with. And in the past, what would have been diagnosed as sociopathy now

Hopefully they keep having her pop up from time to time.

I think at this point it's safe to say that Elementary, aside from character names, has dropped most of the canon. Probably a big reason why there is often disdain for Elementary, particularly from the hardcore Sherlock fans.

Ups to all for the Trainspotting banter

The first episode of this season deserves a C+ if for no other reason then the off switch…

That 'will they or won't they?' thing got so damn annoying on NCIS with Tony and Ziva that it was almost a relief to have her leave the show.

Those off episodes may not have the best cases or mysteries, but it still gives time for more character building, which in my opinion Elementary does a far better job of…but I'm just re-hashing what's been mentioned here and in the article. Just saying that those 'off' shows still have their place within the series.