
I saw him speak at the Smithsonian’s history of video games exhibit when it opened. One of his anecdotes was about an old arcade machine he designed, how the covering was terrible because it was completely solid and had no ventilation. He also said that the girl in the ad was a stripper.

Neil is the fucking barrier.

Read a chilling story today about this case. The cops had him under surveillance since Oct while they gathered more evidence and only moved on him last week because they saw a young man entering his apartment. When they kicked the door in the young man was tied to the bed.

An extra tragic element to this story has to be that it’s likely some of the victims emigrated from their home countries to Canada precisely because they knew they could live and work as openly gay men safely in Canada. And then, this.

Here’s the thing. For a YEAR the LGBTQ community was sounding the alarm that gay men were being targeted. Over and over, the Toronto Police Service denied the possibility that the disappearances were linked. And now we find out there may be more than five victims of the same perpetrator. How many people were put at


Oh dear. Sorry, but I do not have the time or willpower to explain the concepts of institutional racism/homophobia/transphobia or preferentially distributed justice to you. I will say that living in Toronto, you see these things in action all the time.

Holy shit. This reminds me of Herb Baumeister, whom terrorized the gay community in Indianapolis in the early 90's by murdering 11 men (confirmed, but it’s suspected that there are many, many more). The cops ignored the missing persons reports and the case was cracked by a guy who went ‘undercover’ (and was almost

“The city of Toronto has never seen anything like this, so it’s very tiring and draining for everyone involved.”

I don’t want to assume this was discrimination by the police where they didn’t take the LGBT community’s fears seriously... but it sounds very like a case we had in the UK where the same thing happened and the police are being investigated as a result:

He should step down.

Seriously. They saw something and said something, and got ignored.

Torontonian here. The area where they found the dismembered remains is adjacent to a recreational site that I would go to on the reg during the summer months. I also briefly lived on the periphery of Toronto’s gay village where many of McAthur’s suspected victims went missing.

And people wonder why BLM protested police presence at the Pride parade, and why Pride Toronto banned cops from marching in uniform.

Kathy Lee Gifford on Today covering the Grammys with Hoda: (roughly quoted): “And Kesha performed”. (Shows clip of emotional Kesha) “Awwww, isn’t that sweet. Mm. Yeah. Didn’t she say something about **forgiveness? She said ‘I’m praying for you’”?

Same. I wish he would have said “I made my original statement out of ignorance and privilege. I will do everything I can educate myself on the issues that women face in this industry and work to eradicate them.” I realize this is a “Locke moved the island and now we’re in a weird wormhole where men speak thoughtfully

I’m really tired of the “taken out of context” excuse.

We put the girls into a cage with hungry wolves but we gave them a rape whistle so they’ll be okay.

A 15 year old girl is a person- not an object. To be given instructions is not the same thing as someone not treating you like a person.

LOL. “CALL ME IF THERE IS ANYTHING UNTOWARD”. Yes, dear 16 year old, tell me if a 45 year old jabba the hut scroat-face who weighs 200 pounds more than you and could kill you, rams your mouth down over his penis! We will send an angry letter (also you’ll never work again). Good luck in therapy for the rest of your