
Awesome. I’ll remind everyone of this March 17th when lots  gobshites are wandering around doing bad imitations of my accent and portraying people from my country as forelick tugging ,drunk, 18th century peasants;)

Cue a bunch of idiots telling you “hurr durr Uganda isn’t a racist derp dee derp”, ignoring the fact that Uganda is a country with a majority black population, and making fun of the accent for the purpose of a joke is inherently appropriating said accent for a racist purpose.

Imitating an accent for the sake of treating another culture as a joke is probably racist. But apparently this meme keeps going with explicitly racist jokes. So.

I’ll be a hell of a lot better once I know what’s up with these boots

“I don’t notice gender!”

“I’m not a feminist, I’m an egalitarian” *strokes neckbeard*

“I prefer ‘egalitarian’”

All those slogans sound like the design department was run by an insufferable bro who kept saying shit like

I love how you’re telling me it has nothing to do with brown people yet everyday I see post from racist Trump supporters who say, we’re gonna get rid of you beaners and N words and make America great again. At this point I’ve seen enough hateful and divisive rhetoric from Trump’s base to fill an ocean.

The nyt can go fuck themselves.

I had an immediate, visceral reaction to the bullshit trailer. Who is this movie for, exactly? Like...who did the target audience vote for, you think?

I liked the original because it punched up, at power structures. Marginalized groups were shown to have more depth than those that controlled the social scene in the movie.

Won’t someone think of the thin white people?!!1!?

It might also be a good idea to disclose the situation to her current boss, as a preemptive defense if he does try to interfere with her position.

The show-runner has a fundamental misunderstanding of the source material. Quoted from EW:

Can I afford to take him at his word that he meant it all to be a joke and had no idea I would take it this way and wouldn’t do it again?

A teen dramedy about a traditionally pretty blonde white girl taking her power back from a fat chick, a black girl and a gay dude, as the adults marvel how crazy it is that people like her aren’t already at the top of the pyramid. What could go wrong?

It’s going to depend on who fields the complaint, unfortunately. Judges who are familiar with stalkers will see the same warning signs Jane did and realize what’s going on here. Another judge might dismiss it as a harmless prank.

Maybe the first letter writer should just go straight for a restraining order. Seems like the most appropriate course of action, as I don’t know what the police would do exactly (generally, police departments don’t always know how to handle stalking or even take it seriously, which is what I’m guessing this would fall

Every single day, I vow that I won’t allow myself to get sucked into the media maelstrom again, and every single day, I find myself unable to look away. It’s a desperate vigilance—a sort of constant hope that this will be the day he finally does himself in, that the people who voted for him will truly understand how