Metal Dog

Freedom of Speech doesn’t protect you from another US Citizen saying “I don’t like the thing you are saying.” It protects you from the government locking you in jail cause you said that thing. The guy who tackled the flag waving racist went to jail and paid a fine. There was no government action against the flag

I understand what you are saying, but I’d imagine that to a black person, a white guy waving the Confederate flag is a message of “I wish that you black people were once again property of white people.”

The Confederate Flag: Because why let people just think you’re a racist?

‘Secessionist Party’....hilarious. Those fuckwits wouldn’t have a clue what to do with themselves without the government that tolerates their existence. But yeah, this is quite satisfying in its’ restrained, graceful execution.

Wonder how many confederate flag wavers are telling Hillary supporters “you lost, get over it”?

Where the hell have you been watching TV? This show has not aired on a regular basis since 1999? Youtube has been its refugee home ever since then. Yes, MeTV has started a re-air only recently.... “only thing available”?? Does your tv only get 6 channels?

Crow’s arms are significantly redesigned; much bulkier. Apparently he stopped ‘going for tone’.

Look, you all that don’t like MST3k are entitled to your opinions, MSTies are entitled to disagree. It’s fine if you don’t enjoy it, or if people talking over movies annoy you (as someone else said).

However, I do implore you to recognize the serious nerd achievement us fans unlocked though. We helped to

You don’t need to censor it. They always went for smart jokes.

Part of their charm is that they don’t do crude jokes. There are lots of shows that do that, we don’t need more.

This does my heart good. 2017 is starting to look up: Trump’s administration is a mess right out of the gate and already plagued by scandal, Milo’s career just imploded in the span of 48 hours, and new MST3K? Yes, to all of this.

What made the writing in the show so good is that it had a kind of innocence to it, that almost respected the horrible movies while making fun of them. Giving it “uncensored” (whatever that even means on cable tv now) humor would be entirely out of character, and make the show too mean-spirited.

Now playing

Fond memories of discovering MST3K during the formative days of The Comedy Channel/Comedy Central, back when they’d show clips of stand-up routines and funny scenes from movies, trying to use the MTV model of airing music videos.

I hope you managed to get your “Mitchell” fix somehow.

They have to use bad movies in order to make jokes. Good movies provide fewer jokes. It also costs less to get the rights to crap movies.

This right here. This and ACLU lawyers rushing in to defend the civil rights of people unjustly detained in airports. The protesters spilling into the streets. The indefatigable dedication to inclusivity, kindness, and standing up for the vulnerable, the marginalized, the voiceless...

Seriously though, First Avenger has been a source of strength:

This is Steve

and when we are lost amidst the hypocrisy and casual violence of certain individuals and institutions, we will — as per Chief Jim Hopper — punch some people in the face when they seek to destroy the meek, the disenfranchised and the marginalized, and we will do it all with soul, with heart and with joy. We thank you

Robotech. Roy Fokker.