Metal Dog

No comment shall I make upon their attire, hairstyles, or anything else related to their appearance. One’s appearance before a congressional committee does not matter, beyond actually appearing before the committee. Nor shall I comment upon their grammar, speech patterns, accents or any other such irrelevancies. That

Here, it’s a lot less acrobatic than you might think:

The backstory was better explained in the comic book series.
M.A.S.K. was basically created by the later main bad guy, Miles Mayhem. It was designed as some kind of covert international strike force with super-tech and whatnot. Then in a fake training exercise in the desert Mayhem betrayed Trakker, killed his brother

Now playing

You’re all wrong. The best one was The Galaxy Rangers

Ok but then we go to Dinosaucers! It’s Dino Riders + UFOs.

The cartoon was fine. Except season 2. Somebody needs to burn in hell for season 2.

I’d take the money value of those five and open my own cafes 100% Black owned and operated. Forget franchises. That’s just making his ass richer.

Starbucks CEO Says He Wants to Meet With the Black Men Arrested in Philly

How many shots if you just aren’t going to watch it? I got better things to do like watch Black Lightning. Yall will inform me tomorrow and Twitter will give me all I need to know during the commercials of Black Lightning.


Can Latoya even breathe?

I’m a little disappointed that when I clicked on the headline for this article, the entire body wasn’t just the word: “Yes.”

You mean “Captain Harlock.”

Sooooooo fucking Agreed.

  The problem for me, like a lot of Star Wars fans, is that I never wanted this movie. There is no need for it. The character of Han Solo, and Lando and Boba Fett for that matter, relies on a some mystique for the character to be intriguing. Once we know everything about Solo he won’t be as interesting.

Wow this movie has all the makings to be a train wreck. I didn’t know if I even wanted one that was well done, let alone a bad one that ruins the backstory to such an incredible character. No more backstory movies after this please (that includes Boba Fett). The only good one would be an Ewan Mcgregor Obi Wan movie.

The idea itself is terrible. Harrison Ford is Han Solo. Anyone one else will just come off like a cosplayer doing a bad Harry Ford impression. Therefore, the idea is rotten in the first place. Glad that the Force is letting them know with all these production headaches.

This was a bad idea from the start. Harrison Ford is beloved and the role is iconic.

I’m also put off whenever the concept becomes that Clark wasn’t raised by good people to do good and he had to have some epiphany to “become Superman”, much like the Snyder/Murderverse. I understand it is common convention to have heroes “make a choice to be a hero” (a la acceptance of the call) nowdays, but removing