
Seeing that and how they seemed the president and the firelord discussing fortification lines I wouldn't be surprised if we see a scene in which these weapons are used in a manner evocative of WWII offensives.

They really do look similar. In a way the real life WWII railguns are more terrifying to me. I realise that the Kuvira guns fire out electronic dance Hyper Beams but the sheer destructive force of the Krupp and Schwerer Gustav guns in being able to blow apart entire defensive lines is chilling. It leaves me wondering

But most of all she is a the world's greatest earthbender!
And a terrifying mother in law.

It's really an indisputable fact now at this point.

Good to see that Bolin had the tact not to enquire about Su's father at the same time.

I don't know too much about world war two artillery but it seemed to me that the dubstep spirit energy superweapon that Kuvira was using bears an design influenced by or at least similar to the appearance of a line of WWII railguns developed by the German army to break the through the French Maginot line. Schwerer

He does play the straight man to Wu's zaniness pretty well though.

It's to the show's credit though that we can feel a genuine sense of peril for the welfare of the characters, that the writers can kill someone off and not have it be a cheap twist. As for Zhu Li having the superweapon component, I thought it may have been that she didn't chance to ditch it as it felt like Battar Jr

I don't suppose Vaatu could see visions of possible futures in that tree?
That creating the vines was all part of a long con, a means to instill chaos down the road?

Well not Amon, sine he (SPOILERS) comes back as reanimated Zombie Amon in The Legend of Bolin: the Motion Picture.

Again and again, and again and again! The cycle continues!

That flicker in Zaheer's eyes when considers the consequences of creating a vacuum allowing the rise of Kuvitler was great, shows he has not yet lost his compassion.

So what are the odds that we'll get a Beifong family reunion?

But he lavabends now!
And don't you remember that time he turned into a dragon and rescued the Avatar from the spirit world?

In season three he never fought her on equal footing either. He always tried to drug, chain or poison her first.

Interesting as well how pro military action Raiko becomes when its a potential conflict on his borders and not when its a civil disturbance very far away.

Great episode. I especially loved the synchrony of Bolin and Pabu during the Picnic, and how they made the same squeaks. And its nice to see Bolin called out on his naivety, although someone really needs to sit down and explain to him how tricking your girlfriend into having lunch with you by pretending to break your

Drunken Mice?
I'm not very good at acronyms and as an emotionless robot, that sometimes makes me very sad.

Or as actors call it, the Scottish Sith lord.

I loved how Varrick just then tacked on Bolin saving the avatar as an ending, that he was so wrapped up in his Bolin epic he had forgotten the source material.