
I just really enjoyed how the finale showed us where stars really come from.

They might end up doing a multi part finale like the last airbender. I'll be happy for anything approaching the sense of awe I got from the Azula versus Zuko and Katara fight.

But you can't just ignore this episode! What about Zombie Amon?

I agree with absolutely on the strengths of the three acts. The whole villain telephone call really felt like a Korra abridged series. There really should be a Varrick spin-off abridged series.

Bryan's tumblr post describes how they were inspired by Samurai Champloo's clip show episode. Also that following this episode, POOP. GETS. REAL so at least this episode managed to arrange the characters (albeit awkwardly) in place for a massive finale.

I particularly liked how evil sorcerer clingy Unalaq knew where to find Bolin-with all the beautiful ladies!
Also Zombie Amon, just fantastic.

The third act really made me wish that Bryan and Mike just did the whole show in that vein. Varrick absolutely killed it in this episode, the voice work is fantastic. Below is rough transcript of the final act, Varrick's fantatic sales pitch.

The big disappointment for me with this episode is that it wasn't longer. If it had the full hour then maybe the full cast of characters could have been better utilised. I'd would love to see some continuity like that of South Park's lately, whereby It is shown that Bender is still in the Basement several episodes

Its ill-sighted on Su's part at least, and it seems to stem more from Su's personal grievances with Kuvira than any rational, well thought out decision.

I feel like Kuvitler tries to be nuanced but fails because her personal feelings get in the way. That and her increasing ego and narcissism.

That's quite possible. Also how great is it that he names all his units of measurements after himself and people he knows.

Speaking of Asami don't you just hate it that when you go out you see all sorts of visual reminders and references to your own internal emotional conflicts?

Republic city maybe? We've seen how Kuvira is like the late Queen in considering all of the earthlands to be part of the same Kingdom/Empire. It is possible that Kuvira views the United Nations as stolen Territory that she intends to reclaim.

It wasn't just you, although its not yet clear if its one-sided or a heat of the moment thing or whether Varrick never realise what they might have had all along.

The way Varrick talks about it makes his morality seem sudden but we have seen him act in accordance with a personal morality before. While in season two he committed many crimes and offences against the main cast, it was ultimately to enlist aid for his tribe against what he saw as an aggressive, foreign occupying

Oh I don't know, Choose Goose does pretty well in the land of Ooo, where there's a candy kingdom…

That would be good as well. He might not know for sure either way but he might figure to act the part any way Justin case. They do seem to have a good working rapport in these kind of situations any way. Zhu Li saying 'do the thing' probably came from a real place of frustration with Varrick.
On another note, what is

I really liked how they contrasted Asami's realationship with her father and Bataar jr's relationship with his parents, and to that end Kuvira's with Su's. Asami's dad was blinded by personal feelings and pushed his family away in pursuit of his twisted ideologies while the same his happening with Su's children,(in

I have a feeling that Zhu Li and Varrick are ultimately just playing Kuvira. Varrick often acts goofy but we have also seen how sneaky Varrick can be in season two in regards to how he stole Asami's company out from under her and manipulated Republic city with his propaganda.(I was surprised that we haven't seen him

‘You know, Nickelodeon turned into a hardcore sex
channel so gradually, I didn't even notice.’