@miGu-zangetsu: Canada... FUCK YEAH
@miGu-zangetsu: Canada... FUCK YEAH
Longest I've ever done is 9.5 hours. Played MW2 for 2.5 hours, then Heavenly Sword for 7 hours right away after.
Now I might buy the PC version.
@Tills13: SLAYER
was hoping for tits.
@Stavvy: Do you have a badass pirate eyepatch?
Free? Monday? Yes!
@jayislost: Oh ok. I see where you're coming from. Yeah, I was a star once on Giz, but I got it taken away for approving a "troll" (Just because he hated Apple doesn't mean he was a troll. God damn biased giz.)
@jayislost: I've always disregarded the star/promotion systems. I see myself as equal to everybody. If I get replied to by a star, I don't see it as "ooh, I got promoted." I see it as someone with a star is replying to my comment, for what I stated or asked.
@peteer02: hates geofencing: I heart people who I strongly agree with or that make me lol hard.
@Ali-Kharazi: Bought a GTS 250 a month ago. Runs so cool.
@satbirrai: He does. I got one and he didn't lol.
@satbirrai: Yeah, for now.
@satbirrai: Also, my orignal lite got the same crack but I didn't really think anything of it. About 2 years out of warranty, whenever I pressed the Y button, it turned off. I called nintendo, but they wanted $80. I sold most of my DS games except the ones important to me like Metroid and Pokemon Diamond. Then, 2…
@satbirrai: It was out of warranty when it cracked. I convinced him to not go out and buy a DSi XL, and to wait for a 3DS.
Lol. My brother's DS lite hinge was cracked for over a year, and just this week it finally broke completely, and now the top screen just flops around. Some "cosmetic damage" nintendo.
I cannot palm my face any harder.
@Kaneda: Ha! I used to have that same one! I might even still have it somewhere.