@Nexus6: Flight sticks FTW.
@Nexus6: Flight sticks FTW.
@Reginald Atkins: Yeah, a free software update did.
@qballdz: Sennheisers are worth the money. I have a wired headset from them and the sound is amazing.
If I bought those, I'd try to eat them.
@thelastlambda: Me too.
PC since I just upgraded it and its graphics are way better than PS3.
It's not easy enough?
Dear Nvidia:
@wtfisthisidonteven: Yeah, Crysis can be a bit weird with resolutions. Originally I had it at 1440x900 too but I changed it to 1680x1050 and didn't really notice a difference in framerate.
@wtfisthisidonteven: What's the rest of your setup, and what framerate do you run Crysis at?
@Jon: I lol whenever I do that in the game
@anduin1: Little gamers is never funny.
@Erwin: Once again, hilarious
@PS1: I love funny captchas
@Michael Lerch: In the title
@Brain.wav: *checks back for angels*
@Krakenstein: ROFL
Before reading the review: YES! AWESOME DOCTOR WHO REFERENCE!
That's nuts. I mean, my typing is like 40WPM. I can't even type fast.