Damn that is sexy. And the HDD finally matches mine.
Damn that is sexy. And the HDD finally matches mine.
@anduin1: My friend told me IGN sucks (which I was using for gaming news) and to go here.
Destruction is awful and full of trolls.
I just woke up. What the fuck is happening?
I don't get it.
#7 New fucking wallpaper.
Ah jeez. I got nothing.
@LuDude: Lol, Rock Band Nirvana?
@Assault Wookie: Lol, I thought 20 was the worst.
@Givafuk: $1.39? What a rip! I got it for free :D
@thebisonx: Came in to say this. I played galaxy 2 today. SO MUCH FUN!
@AshleyAshes: 3D isn't simulated with gyroscopes and cameras. The screen is interlaced, and two separate images are projected at your eyes, giving the 3D effect without glasses.
@GoodbyeGalaxy: Fine, but extra processing power is still used up by rendering @ 800x240 for 3D rather than 400x240 for 2D.
@quicksilver8478: Oh god.
@quicksilver8478: Is he... propping up his ipad with his macbook?
@AuthenticM: Frenchie faggot
@Dan2593: Awesome.
Who fucking cares. I bought a console, it works, I can play games. That's all that matters to me.
@Kneadederaser: lol'd