
That’s a neat toy, but a Mad Max machine would be made from several different cars.

Is that the same big government that has put the antidote to 5G in the vaccine and when Biden says to turn it on, only the liberal sheeple will survive? (snark x2)

We have two sets of friends (husband and wife)that won’t. One set had covid already and don’t see need. The other set lost a Grandparent to it and still won’t get the vaccine.
We can’t convince them. The only common factor is both sets of friends are that they devoutly religious. I guess it come down to “if it’s my

Hey, that one is in the perfect color too!

Ford Panther’s platform air suspension shut-off in the trunk.  I guess it makes sense if you are back there to change a flat, but that seems like a switch that should be on the dash or in the glovebox. 

SS Wagon????!?   Take my money!!

Our small trailer turns our CX9 into our “truck”. It’s been a great option over buying another vehicle that would get such limited use.

A Better Back to the Future machine than the DeLorean?

Just make the ones labeled with a bow-tie better. Oh, and bring back the Sky Redline.

A new Corvette after the kid had wreaked a Blazer and Camaro already.

Similar size cars, yes.  Driving dynamics, no.

The problem is the “great” boots I used to buy, kept the name but are now made in China. So now instead of lasting 5 years+, they fall apart in 6 mo.

RWD, and suspension set up. I test drove a v6 GT before getting my 3.6 Impala. Very different cars.  

Nice, but I’m not sure if they want one with enough miles to get it for that price. And not the best option for a new driver.

Sell for scrap?

I replied Voyager as well about that site. Funny thing is, the next thing listed under “DEATH” on VAERS as a result of the corvid vaccine is “DEATH OF PET.”

I checked it this morning. Only 4,434 deaths, not 10k. (maybe it’s a filter difference)

Please site your sources for stats on the amount side effects, the outlook, and 10k deaths.

All three are wrong.

Bottom line, almost all of those dying from COVID are unvaccinated. Percentage of unvaccinated deaths by state: 96% in Alabama, 100% in Maryland, 97% in Louisiana, 99% LA County, 98.4% NYC

You asked for a link otherwise. I don’t have one. Can you clear the air with a link of your own?

Keep in mind, I’m not saying not to help, I’m saying when you do just to ask them about helping.