
Clicks. That’s pretty much most of the use for internet now. Clicks for money and advertising revenue or the much loathed ‘my life is so perfect, look at me” BS.

Hell, that’s how they get us on here. I’m doing it now. Making the interesting content for the site by commenting.

Crap. I’ll go now.

I wish construction zones here would put up signs that explain that.  “Form two lines”, “Take turns at the merge”.

The key factor here is not cutting anyone off or forcing your way in.

You didn’t force your way in or cut anyone off to do it. So yeah, it looks bad, but oh well.

Is he happy for the person who does it to him?

Drivers who need to see how many people they can get around then cut someone off to exit, when they could have just got in line.

Clam down, I didn’t say that visibility didn’t matter. The people buying Camaros and Challengers prefer the looks and will live with the car for the styling. Then many owners, even the Mustangs with better visibility, make it worse.

I’ve spent some time in LA. That’s just par for the course around there. A verbal warning, and a warning shot is getting off rather lightly from what I recall.

I find the “but you can’t see out of it” comments funny. Most of the people who are that concerned with visibility aren’t shopping for a pony car. The best part is the 1/3 (at least around here) of Mustang/Challenger owners, who then proceed to put louvers and fake vents over their rear side windows.

ATS-V’s engine into a Pontiac G8 (non-GT). Then maybe I could afford to get one.

I have no clue on the size of that it, but it would make a nice next-gen Camaro.

1st gear:

Or this...

Going forward, this kind of performance is going to be the norm — for better or worse.”

My wife’s Mazda CX9 didn’t even bother to hide the Ford logos under the hood and on components for it. The brake master cylinder, vacuum hoses, and sensors all still say Ford.

I was going to buy a rubber snake to put on her seat after that day, but she threatened divorce over such a prank.

Can we get some pics of the interior?

I taught my wife to learn stick on the Camaro since it was my only car and eventually there would be a reason for her to drive it. I made sure the first lesson on the “feel” of the clutch was on a test drive in a Maita from the local Mazda dealer.

I saw a guy a Jiffy Lube bring out a perfectly good air filter to an unsuspecting customer and say that they needed a new one. Funny, thing was it was only dirty on the tops of the paper fins since he had wiped his hands across it to make it look bad.

How harsh is the ride for DD duty?