
So I can’t get the kids in the back seats and the dogs in the rear? Darn. From the photos I’ve seen it seems a bit small back there. That and the nicely sloping roofline gave me concerns.

BTW. How many miles have you put on the SRT8? How has it held up? It sounds like it would be a fun and practical DD. Can it fit two German shepherds in the back?

Will the front loader operator get into trouble for doing this to the Jeep?  David, please follow up.

Wow, that actually looks nice. Kinda reminds me of a GMC.

Actually, I’d like my daily to be fun as well because my current one is a complete compromise so I can get the kids to school. What I’d really like is a Chevy SS to daily. But those used, are going for more than new (if they have a manual transmission) and they have like 40k miles on them. Same with any G8 GT’s.

Yes, I was wondering where the “it will be an Ecoboost (ecoloss)v8" line was going to be.

Time to update your avatar! :P

How old is your daughter? My kids are young. The meaning of keeping an old car as a keepsake doesn’t mean anything to them yet. I still hear things about “I’m going to drive a semi truck” or “I want a unicorn” for transportation.

My Camaro. I’ll keep it until the day I day. I imagine the comments on a NP or ND feature on Jalopnik many years from now when my kids try to get rid of it...

No, compare this one...

Actually, I was comparing interiors to equivalent BMWs yesterday. Kinda looks like they copied it (also noted by the post below this one). Unless you’ve been in one and know that they used plastic on the bottom half of the dash and doors like the rest of GM’s line-up.

Yup, they’ll bring one back with each generation.

I’d like to have seen a picture of that.

I agree with you, but many seem to like it. I guess it’s because I’ve actually primed an entire vehicle in that gray. It’s bad enough most vehicles only come in 5 bland colors now anyways.

Yeah, I’ve started seeing that too. I saw red lights inside the wheel wells on a Wrangler the other day while getting gas. Why do that? You go off-roading so much won’t those get covered in mud? Oh, wait, you don’t.

Or maybe the brake light that shines through the spare tire.

Thanks for that. Just compared a C7 Vette, Nissan GTR and BMW M4 with the real thing. It is comparable now. Now if I only had some free time...

I’ve been out of gaming for quite a while, but did they ever start using real engine noises for each car? That was always lacking on the older versions I played. 

Actually, looking at the interior of both the CT4 and M3, visually it looks just as nice. In fact, they have some similar design ques.  Of course I’ll probably never touch either of these in real life.

It’s very sedate styling for a “V”, but then again look how ugly the BMW and Mercedes it competes with are. Not sure that will sway many buyers though.