
OMG it’s playing in the cube next to me as I read this...  It’s still a good song.


Some of us can stomach interiors like this if it’s all we are used to. I’m used to GM’s plastic. Like most Jalops, if I had money I’d have a nicer car with better interior and I could bitch about looking at something from the 00's.

This may be a normal move for all of us knowing a “green energy” friendly president was going into the White House but if I remember correctly, she (her husband) has done this before. Congress was considering new credit card regulations in 2008 when her husband bought 5,000 shares of Visa. Those shares went up $20 in

Nine years of living off of others in luxury deserves nine years of living in a jail cell.

It needs a wiper on that rear window.

No thanks. Seems like it will be even more of a money pit than old BMWs are.  

I’ve never had a BMW and have heard many anecdotal stories from friends and co-workers about them, but it seems the “regular brands” I’ve had Nissan, Mazda, Chevrolet, and Ford won’t have any issues until at least after their warranty is up.

That’s a recent version of a Mustang. How long did you have it?

Actually, I’ve heard many complaints from blind Americans who regularly walk around large cities. Hybrid and all electric cars are nearly silent (depending on the tires equipped). I believe this is one of their concerns.

My Camaro. Three years of daily duty, rain, sleet and snow. At least the snow days only seemed to be once or twice a year. Although I miss those days because you could drift and do donuts all day long and not need to buy another set of tires afterwards.

I was driving home up the Kansas Turnpike when a black two-door Honda Accord with Alaskan plates comes flying up and passes me. I decided to use him a my radar detector... I paced him, but back 1/2 mile. Sure enough after 2o min. I see his brake lights come on and after I crest the next hill I almost hit the highway

A better question is when will the market start seeing cheap Pontiac G8 GXPs and Chevy SSs?

More like a video of a “cab opener”.

Not small enough?

Many “imports” are made in the US anyways so this applies to them as well.

IRL Mariocart.

My brother inherited an F-150 with the 5.4 (200k on the clock) back in August of this year. It is still in his garage waiting to be fixed with all the issues that can go wrong on that engine. ND for that engine alone.

Wonder how many people on here really get these references?

Ah, good point.  Jet Ski it is.