
i must have missed the execution? please share

an officer gives you a command - you defy; chuck slurs; your friends attack a law enforcement officer - you lose, every single time. .

obamas family is predominately, first gen american, and of Keyan origin. WIKIPEDIA

“Apparently Trump has no idea about the levels of fakeness that exist in African Americans when we’re dealing with white folks”

take a chill pill, stephen and trump, y’all need to chill out

take a chill pill

a license to operate a vehicle will not save you from uneducated drivers.

All of the women at my company are currently working. They must have too much PRIDE to believe that women must march in order to gain respect? IDK

just think if Wikileaks never exited, no Snowden and no assange. Oh My, oh beautiful this world would be if we were all, just, ignorant to these revelations.

Show me the proof of Russians Hacking the DNC.

hey now! when you accept that society should trades it’s privacy for safety - then everything is A - OKAY

I’ll take Assange’s word over Trumps, Obama’s, and Bush’s word.

“alleged” haha - we all know the CIA is inferior to basement, WOW, hackers.

PV - Great comment!

USA TODAY - What’s that author thinking? He’s not writing for Jezebel or TheRoot. You can’t just say anything you want, if you work the USA Today. You can only do that in the Kinja Umbrella.

well said thanks for the response

thanks for the article. The more I learn, the more I understand that there are simply some things in life that I may never be capable of understanding.

i’ve no identify crisis, and nether does Racheal (according to her). But we all mock her. Irony? We applaud Caitlynn Jenner but we mock Rachel Doleza? What am I missing here?

still scratching my head at how people can identify as a different gender but can not identify as a different race.

did you listen to his speech? that’s the proof in the “is he presidential” pudding.