
white people just don’t get how to discipline black children. smh

and when the whole damn world is dead - there’s your fuggin peace

racism is alive and well

Never FLYING for travel, ever again. too much of a headache, TSA, boarding policies, Over booking policies, mishandling of luggage. NEVER AGAIN

clearly these old whites dudes did this to offend the masses. Like they thought to themselves, “you know who really cares about us and what we do in our spare time? rappers! let’s offend the hip hop community! Great Idea, Bob!”

a group of sailors, far from home, want to look a nudes during the off-time.

it’s like i can always feel this white privilege leading me into successful ventures and then again, when I sleep, this white privilege haunts me for the sins of men that I never knew.  

funny how people can pick and choose when to respect the office of POTUS, at their own convenience. Even funnier to me that a black man is accused of being “fake” or is “uninvited” to the cookout bc of their support for trump. It’s like an inside joke that everyone is in on. BLACK ANTI TRUMP SUPPORTERS ONLY*

i see black people driving pickups with confed flags waiving in the bed. but then again, the south east USA is far more different than the rest of the USA

That picture of Trump fist bumping with Snoop was from 2012 Comedy Central Roast. I guess that’s suitable evidence that Snoop is a closet trump fan and that snoops true feelings toward Trump are not indicative of Snoop’s latest music video.

clearly OBJ is to blame. haha. Hey Odel - how about not playing football this season. OK Thanks - Signed - The rest of the NFC EAST

van jones isn’t the only black person that supports trump/

Even if you are “working for free,” you are still working and require the proper visa’s.

Wy did the convenience store call in a robbery if there was never any robbery?

and this is why some south american nations will never get a seat at the dinner table.

Weakskills -

feel you Colin - sad state of affairs - remember, colin, no one is responsible for their behaviors, no one except for themselves. keep doing you - and let the cry babies keep crying - it’s literally what they do best.

If you’d seen the full 12 minute video, the man clearly identifies himself as law enforcement. .

lawns in california are no joking matter. water is scarce and people tend to take care of what they like; otherwise they are forced to like what they get. STAY OFF THE LAWN - IT HASNT RAINED IN SEVENTEEN DAYS, PLEASE/ Thank you.

did he not identify himself as on officer?