
whew any one got a towel?

don’t worry the CIA will save us all from the free masonic weavings of trump and putin.

sounds a lot like our own, US gov’t - never admits a mistake or wrong doing. that’s kind of what assange does for the gov’t of the world. LEAKS their wrong -doings for them .

probably a bogus charge, with some cash tied to claiming it’s true.

Pewdeii Pie should have known better, in today’s absurdly PC world. I believe his heart was in the right place but his decision to include or expose the wilder side of the internet was wrong - at least in the eyes of his superiors. which is to say - no more pay checks.  

you voted trump- you must be racist.

in my safe space - I can label anybody, at any time, anything that I feel like.

well that’s a slap in the face, indeed.

WOULD* buy her clothes.

so interrupting the stand up performance is a disruption? YES

thats funny bc in most any rap song, all i hear are women being called bitches.

WHEN will racist finally learn, that they mustn’t share their myopic views towards other races, on social media!!! You MUST create a fake account and post it to reddit or kinja. DUH

whats funny is that i would never have had a clue about how to act or behave around black people, if were not for this show and sara silverman guiding me through.. Now, though, it’s like I am an honorary black person.

all joking aside - shame people for their actions and behaviors, not their natural physique.

Most hollywood actors have a hard time understanding how & why they are so out -of- touch with the rest of america. You’d figure, for people (actors) that “play” roles that are mostly anything but themselves, personally, that they’d have a greater understanding of the trials and tribulations of common men. However,

in my safe space - i will never allow someone else’s actions, decisions or behavior, affect my own actions, decisions and behavior.

your sarcasm hurts

hate speech is hard because everyone can make you believe that they are racist.

not everyone will get along with everybody. that does not make them racist.