
More like, GAWKER Delivers Another Article that PROVES Sanders and Clinton to be RACISTS>

Putins NAME is NOWHERE in the Leaks; but I get it - people that are associated with Putin are mentioned in the report. So somehow every article is using an IMAGE of Putin to caption this LEAK.

Most producers or hosts would have preemptively discussed the ‘donation’ segment of the show with their guest, to ensure avoiding any potential gaffe like possible cultural insults..... But hey that’s assuming that host or producer is any sort of a professional. At the end of the day - this show, producer and host,

You see - I often wander where my cash goes after i hand it to a weed dealer. Like, certainly my earned, cash, should be taxed on marijuana sales, in the US, but sadly bc the FED considers weed a schedule 1 drug, I am almost positive my taxed cash goes south into Mexico, or North into Canada.