Yeah, but only because their players are better.
Yeah, but only because their players are better.
Let the Trubisky should start arguments begin.
I thought he was seeking a transfer to Winterfell.
But but but team building! Its not like anyone could have seen that a training routine for navy seals would get a teenager killed. Navy seals training is totally safe for all! And all these young men will be stronger for the experience anyway, harder tougher warriors.
Wow, quick start to the butthurt today.
I was okay with the racist mascot, their flight to Cobb County, and their fleecing of taxpayers, but this assault on urban planners’ sensibilities is the final straw.
David Freese (He has a friend with a dog named Dave, so when they’re hanging out, he’s Davehuman. “It’s funny to, like, five people,” Freese said.)
Not sure, but I know for a fact that they’ll never need to make any kind of MLB jersey for the guy he was traded for.
Do you think they’re gonna make an Indians one for Jay Bruce?
I saw Doc in pinstripes. I saw Darryl in pinstripes. Do you seriously think seeing Jay Bruce in pinstripes can affect this broken Mets heart of mine?
Ryan Ryder and the DD Gun
A Kiss-Muff Story
Ryder Ryan has to have started in a Christmas Story porn spoof, right (please submit title below)? And then shot a girl’s eye out?
There is no greater own than naming his first-born son “Knox”.
Oh Devin you sweet summer child...
These are always my most favorite of all the WYTS comments.
Remember when Burneko did the “Best State Foods in America” list and placed Ohio worst state because of Skyline “chili” and then a bunch of Cincy news outlets did stories on it and got super defensive.
Devin shouldn’t.
I thought it was to spite Modell. Either one is fine though.