You’re A-number +1
You’re A-number +1
probably yes
+1 Trust the Process
Jack’s is a goddamn treasure. One of the highlights of my freshman year at Vandy.
+1 Corky
I still get pissed off about all these lawsuits of people who weren’t good enough to get into a school. Sometimes you write a shitty essay, sometimes you just aren’t good enough, life goes on.
+1 Uggs I think you meant.
Smashmouth would disagree about Baalke.
We did get some hot John Navarre action though...
So fucking true. Then all that sweet Yankee cash came calling and it was peace out Ann Arbor for Mr. Brighton.
That Vivek he’s a real outside of the box kind of guy.
Dammit Kinja! Draft Card
Don’t do the player’s tribune work for them, this isn’t UNC.
As if Boston and Utah don’t already have his name printed up on a draft, given his “ability”.
+1 Narcan
+1 too soon
It killed the Radiostar.
IIRC we ended up at the Meijer and bought DiGiorno pizza.
Not with NBAPA VP LeBron at the negotiating table they aren’t