
I’ve always had a problem when people say they want to cut snap benefits, because adults are abusing the program. If you think starving kids will teach their parents a lesson, you are an asshole.

I forgot about the Hustler Club. God the whole Mason/Lebanon/Mason area is just delightful.

The clientele in Mason wishes they could spell classy. Though I do get a great sense of joy at the exit off 75 with the Flea Market, prison and outlet mall on the way to ride the beast.

Though as a Crew Supporter I have to wonder if Federico feels like the Cooper Manning in this scenario.

I’ve never heard him mention his alma mater.

I believe that Roger Goodell has an IQ of 85. Which would explain how the son of a Senator couldn’t get into a real college.

God I hope your right. Though he’s basically just Jay Cutler without the anti-vaxx wife and big wheel. I say this both as a Vandy and Lions fan.

Does Vandy even make the Top 100?

Still more watchable than All Takes Matter.

Must be something about former Vandy QB’s living in A-A-Ron’s shadow.

I think you mean Chucky Atkins not Chauncey. Chucky and Ben Wallace came to Detroit in the sign and trade for Grant Hill.

This is an excellent comment, thank you. I hate typos especially my own.

I have a vague recollection of the 84 Tigers. (I was 4)
I have an inedible memory of Bird stealing the goddamn inbound and fuck the Celtics forever.

Mike Matheny likes to snowball

Even Jim Harbaugh thinks this guy is a fuckboi

I think I am just so upset for thinking that Posnanski had the opportunity to write something fascinating watching a beloved icon being torn down before him while stationed in Happy Valley and the book that came out of it...

That is a horrible fucking mental image. So thanks...

As a crew fan, that statement reads true on a lot a levels.


Only a good guy with a dick punch can stop a bad guy with a dick punch.