META Gear Solid

For Pete's sake, you didn't ask him about "LAST HOUR"? Why does nobody talk about that? We need answers!

Obviously news about the suicide will ripple outward immediately.  Don will have to "change the subject" by earning Dow Chemical and putting his rival ad firm out of business.  When Cooper connects Don to the suicide, somehow Ginsberg will find out, and be disgusted by Don's lack of humanity.  Peggy will hear about

Obviously news about the suicide will ripple outward immediately.  Don will have to "change the subject" by earning Dow Chemical and putting his rival ad firm out of business.  When Cooper connects Don to the suicide, somehow Ginsberg will find out, and be disgusted by Don's lack of humanity.  Peggy will hear about

I wouldn't call it brilliant, but I agree that it reminds me of some other successful experiments.  I liked each song on the first listen, they don't even need to grow on me.  Only if you over-analyze the album's intentions could you give it a poor score, but C-?  That's just brutal.