
Humans are littered with contradiction when it comes to passing on the responsibility of rule making and safety.

I have also noticed my sentences are shorter. Dictation changes my natural writing cadence. For instance, this post is done with dictation and it if I go farther than this and have to pause to think.

When I was very young, I used to get hiccups, and once in a while it would stick around for an hour or more. At some point when I was in middle school, I figured out how to prevent them from occurring. Since that point, I’ve never had a hiccup in the way we know it to be; instead, I get a single hiccup and that’s it.

Good, it’s a war that isn’t being waged properly. Any US citizen who wishes to be a gun owner should be licensed properly without issue, properly trained, and allowed to carry in the nation. Anyone who is unqualified should not. Criminals should be prosecuted. Banning things doesn’t work - it makes them more