I respect the work of USPS but I will say the people that service my apartment complex are a bit useless.
I respect the work of USPS but I will say the people that service my apartment complex are a bit useless.
You’ve never worked at a Walmart have you. In what company or industry do managers respect their employees? I can’t think of any, most management are useless and just take advantage of their workers. We have less unions because companies don’t want unions to exist, because then they HAVE to treat workers fairly.
So because it might allow lazy people to be lazy or that it’s “too complicated” then we shouldn’t do it at all? That’s nonsense, and a lazy hot take from right wingers.
I can totally relate. I still haven’t finished Legacy of the Void. I don’t think I can till a Starcraft 3 is announced.
There are animals, but you can’t pet them.
should probably start looking for jobs with publishers who have actual standards for ethics, and who deliver on their promises.
Great, a reason to create more distance between the term gamer.
If we take a more extreme approach, blasting the name and face of mass shooters isn’t reporting the news. Some did it just for the attention. Violence is sensationalized, to deny that is denying reality.
And you liking the game (only 3 months?) is relevant how? No, doing one MMO doesn’t mean they are 100% ready for other online games. Again, the “quality” is speaking for itself here. They can do story telling, which is a valid argument, you just don’t like to hear it.
Sounds about right. I made complaints about EA in terms of lootboxes and game quality on Reddit and it was like arguing with a brick wall over there.
Except The Old Republic was a crap game, I wouldn’t use that as a mark of quality to show that BioWare know’s what they are doing.
No, I like Borderlands 2, it’s a great looter shooter. What I don’t like is half-created copies of that (I.E. Destiny, Anthem and The Division).
Which neither of those two know how to “make this kind of game.” So nothing changed with being BioWare this time.
It’s bricking consoles because it doesn’t work correctly. So what QA was done this game exactly? That’s the same tired excuse (and it’s an excuse, nothing based on facts) that is used on anything Bethesda.
Yeah on Reddit EA/BioWare is cool now, I guess cause they have money. Game quality doesn’t have any merits anymore.
Or bullets could not go flying in the air? I know that’s a radical thought (hurr durr 2nd Amendment) but maybe it could be tried for the first time in....200 years?
Wow really? What would it take to have a reaction other then apathy?
Well maybe that shouldn’t have been a feature of an AC game. Since the series didn’t focus on this in the past, making this a feature will inevitably cause controversies like this.
Gamergate was about inclusion, you troglodyte.
Ubisoft is behind on their own lore when making this one apparently. But this is also what happens when the only substance the game has is boning anything with a pulse.