
As much as I want to totally agree with you, I have a terminal degree, teach college classes, and am a fan of professional wrestling. And I’m not alone. And we non-redneck fans sure do find your stereotypes fuuuucking tiresome. (While admittedly often wincing at the ignorance in our community. All fandoms can and do

So here’s just a few simple reasons why war with a gamepad is a more practical idea. As a US soldier some ten years ago, our training included the cost of a soldier’s training up to and including ammunition, gas, cleaning & repair for weapons, etc. That doesn’t even include the uniforms, other equipment to be

We might as well say English is a symbol of white supremacism and finish already.

Nearly every country I visited (worked for several nation and international airlines) has extreme racist views towards different groups of people within their country. We are probably the most advanced culture as far as tolerance and diversity. The other day a new girlfriend of one of my childhood best buds who is

There’s a graphic I wish I had for just this occasion.

You just reminded me of the Canadian cops that responded (forcefully) to concerned calls about a stormtrooper carrying a plastic blaster outside of a Star Wars-themed business on May 4th.

So as long as it’s a woman we’re ok with a dark and dirty past of locking up black kids for marijuana - and dont get me started about biden. 

We should be in the shway world of batman beyond/of the future by now but we still gonna get a young twilight bruce wayne.


Curious to know who else in this comment section draws anime.

Feel free to pile on my comment. I don’t give a shit.

Metal Gear Biden: Tactical Kidsniffing Action

This is a very choice story, and one that I will definitely take to heart when I need to gift my future kids a video game console. 

In 2001 I was 11 years old. And all I wanted was a Gamecube.

Definitely intentional, they made multiplayer more casual friendly by removing the death count so new players can’t be mocked over chat for their KDR. This is Activision double-dipping by selling the feature back to the hardcore players.

The way China is culturally structured the government IS the true authority in the household.  Parents are just there to enforce the state’s authority upon their offspring.  

“Like, what’s next?”

If Trump gets reelected, this will be the moment the election was decided in his favor; all because some overly ambitious political newcomers try to make political hay for their career aspirations.

that’s not an iron cross. the cross is taken from a 5th-century ornament at the Bolnisi Sioni church, which came to be used as a national symbol of Georgia. the shirt literally says: უფალო შეგვიწყალენ(Lord have mercy on us)

I wish I could believe that. You are giving Democrats way too much credit. For Republicans, when there is a will there is a way. Every one follows the commander in lock step. Democrats are never deliberate or strategic. They can’t seem to get their ducks in a row. Even when they had a majority in both chambers.