The only qualifications for president are 35 and US born citizen. The lady literally destroyed evidence with hammers and you think she was good?
The only qualifications for president are 35 and US born citizen. The lady literally destroyed evidence with hammers and you think she was good?
She also ignored a subpoena and destroyed evidence while she was being investigated. Was found guilty but let off the hook.
You wanted the author of “Powow chow” and Harvard laws first woman of color professor to be president, and you dont get why she didn't come close?
Well Twitter never has ever been representational of common real world sentimate. Mass market has do desire to actually play as old chin li over 20 year old version. I’d still argue street fighter s ugly character redisigns startrd in SF4 are still holding it back some. I know its art sryke too ugly for my eyeballs…
Starred for use of shway
Pretty sure herbs working by intention is a fancy way of saying its works via placebo. Plecebo can have effects up to 10% so there ya go.
Last I check the Japanese wear western clothes not kimono and such. Seems like our culture is superior, hence why they copy it in their day to day most obvious expression of culture
Huh? If white people didn’t fight the civil war, didn’t pass the laws, or didn’t enforce the rulings there would be no equality or freedom. White people enslaved the blacks and they let them free. MLK championed non violence because violence was never an option. Whites always had the most military power so at best…
You should realize that at this point he is going to win the Dem nomination. The fact every lefty here is far from in love with him means they are likely to stay home on election while booing trump and pretending to be mad when trump wins.
If they didnt get all the okays and informdd the county gov and got their explicit permission in black and white then this all makes sense.
Cool i guess all the British and Dutch Afrikaans south Africans can just call themselves African. And if they move to the USA they can call themselves African American as well right?
The USA isn’t doing for profit unwilling organ harvesting or annexing territory by force from other south asian countries and then loading them with missiles or putting its own 2 million Muslim citizens in concentration camps at the moment.
Id rather pay that then send money to a country that under obamas watch stole territory from its asian neighbors and then put missiles on those islands, take and sell organs from prisoners of conscience, and have actual concentration camps for Muslims.
Are you actually insinuating that factory working conditions and proportional pay in China are equal to that of a citizen factory worker in the USA?
The fact that your only notable pre 2010 female game characters is from tomb raider and perfect dark really highlights your lack of knowledge about games. Well before that there were many games that starred women. Alicia dragoon, Pocky and Rocky, trouble shooter, el viento, burning force, and of course metroid. That’s…
My father had been hinting at divorcing my mom for a while but my 3rd grade mind didnt get it. The day he left he took all the furniture. So I come home after school to an empty house but since its Easter there was candy basket and an original xbox and Halo he left for me.
Ok boomer.
Uh oh... Now that mai is in a smash game 3 real world women PhDs lost their degrees. #sexygamecharactershaverealworldconsequences
You know this communist dictatorship has concentration camps for their own citizens right? Look at the Falun Gong or their native Muslim population. They can enforce whatever they want.