
The government is in charge of road signs. The cost of putting in one road sign is between 7 and 40 thousand dollars.

Yeh. But young people dont vote.

National Socialists

Lol isn’t all of Japan “people of color” anyway. Its not like the japanese devs are white males.

Japan got its fill of shooting up innocents in Nanking, Manilla, Bataan, and Korea.

That or Riot moves production to China or India or Vietnam, and reduces the US team to only a small team of creatives.

And the state that put capital over its people will make more capital. More capital mean more money for military which lets that country conquer the countries that put people over capital. Ya no there is a real reason why every socialist country has collapsed or switched to capitalism.

Thats all very nice. Now watch riot move as much shop as possible to China, india, or Vietnam. I bet they would love riots working conditions.

Well time to move shop to China or India. Just keep the US creative team. Bet you wont get any protests for current riots workimg conditions in China, india, or vietnam.

Nice to see religion is alive and well. Your zealotry is palpable.

Pretty sure the Christ church shooting was more fueled by:

He didnt dress up as hitler, it was a British guard costume.

Whats even funnier is how taboo the Nazis are. Google what went down with Stalin's Gulag or Maos great leap forward and cultural revolution. The Nazis dont hold a candle to what atrocities the communists did.

The jews thing was done in jest because he thought noone would actually do it for 5$. The Indians did it because they don’t care about what happened to the Jews vs 5$.

Its just bad words said in an argument. If you call someone a “mother fucker” you dont mean they actually have sex with their mother. Calling someone an “asshole” or “cunt” doesnt mean they are an actual sphincter or female genitalia.

Probably because the guy has lots of his own money invested in the endeavor. He isn’t some grunt getting 70k a year. When you have that much control you can speak freely.

No what continues the situation are the artists who agree to work for such low wages. If I put out a job listing for mowing my lawn for 5$ each mow twice a month and I get 20 offers to take the job the one I hired can’t agree to the terms and then one week later expect to be paid 30$ a mow. It isn’t the employers

Seems like these animators need to band together and form their own company where things are done the way they see fit.

No, as a half half white person I never see people like me as protagonist s in media. Its never really stopped me from enjoying James Bond, or Alien, or Blade. The thing is I see people as people not as boxes on a list that must be checked.

It really has nothing to do with corporations. But rather it has everything to do with what consumers are choosing. The fact that any person buys a game digitally at all and voiding their right to resale of their own property is what’s driving this digital only push. Companies want to make as much as They can, thats