
Yeh but everybody knows Puerto Rico will get hit by hurricanes. That comes naturally with being in the Caribbean. Why should everyone have to donate to repair a territory that should have balanced its budget long ago + built its infrastructure to resist these storms that hit every year.

The grenfall tower isn't a cornerstone of western Caucasian culture.

Mode 7 was never really barfy resolution when a snes is played on a 1994 consumer CRT via RF or RCA cables and you sat couch distance from the TV.

When has its self regulation ever let a game be rated less than it should be.

Well before it was about boobies it was blood in mortal combat. Blood in MK seems silly today. Just like anime tiddies will look look 15 years from now.

So long as recycling is more expensive and more difficult than new extraction then recycling won’t be done.

Would never happen. Women don't really develop tech companies from scratch.

The only speech that ever must be defended is the speech many others would consider making one an asshole. Who feels the need to censor or prohibit positive/generally accepted speech? Nobody.

Dude his point is that China alone already produces nearly 2x the amount of c02 the USA does. Honestly what the us does hardly matters. China and India won’t stop industrializatio which will produce far more co2 than the USA will even if we bankrupt ourselves doing Cortez stupid plan.

Convert all non solar and wind and hydro power to nuclear power. Its the only source that’s carbon free (mkre so than even solar) and its killed far less people than fossil fuels.

Yeh but I dont think a taco waitress is really qualified to talk about climate change or even to be a congress woman.

Lol you can't cure malaria. At best you can keep developing drugs to outpace its mutations, but it always comes back.

Nah they clearly lean left. The right will tell you xx is female and xy is male pronouns and all but the left thinks its a choice and a person needs to obey another persons delusion or be punished. When the dems get wreaked in 2020 as early predictions indicate perhaps we will see their bias decline. Same with the

Uhh clearly they didnt let bungee be bungie. There is a very real reason bungie sold their baby Halo so they could leave and be free from Microsoft.

So the lame duck period in 2023-4?

Well it wasn’t Novels fault. He made TNT for mining so its safer. It isn’t his fault people turned it into grenades. Just like it isn’t a hammer companies fault if someone wants to bash in someone’s skull instead of using the hammer to build homes for the homeless.

I think in short online platforms like Twitter facebook and public comment sections need legislation to be considered public common space.

Just fill an empty bottle from the bathroom sinks? Like this is America where even our shortest water is still fine to drink for just a day much less the new pipes in these expensive hotels.

Unionize, then watch as all your programming jobs get offshored to india, China, or Vietnam. Many there would love to stop working in a factory and sit in an AC room just typing while being paid double.

Well women didnt fight in the western front. If they wanted diversity they should have covered the Japanese troops in Italy or the Russian female snipers/troops.