
This article is a lot more nuanced than that. She’s not saying it’s rape — in fact, she explicitly states that it isn’t. She’s addressing something that’s in between enthusiastic consent and rape. This isn’t only a problem between men and women — our entire society teaches us to pressure people. To do things we want

Blame it on parents. Blame it on society. Men are socialized to believe this kind of power disparity just as much as women are socialized to believe the converse. I am not in any way excusing the actions of rapists, by the way.

Wow there are a lot of aggressively shitty commenters here. I’m kind of surprised there are people who don’t grasp that people can be pressured to do things they don’t want to do. They might not be able to do anything about it legally but that doesn’t mean there are no emotional and psychological effects. People can

I don’t disagree that she consented and this is a case of regret and not rape.

Thank you for having this conversation with your nephew!! The “friendzone” only exists in the minds of people who live there...because when someone does not reciprocate romantic interest, you have the choice to accept that and stay in their lives on those terms or move on entirely. The people who talk about the