Someone told me once that women are just bad a standup, and shouldn’t do it. The credibility they offered to the argument was that they’re a “HUGE Chelsea Handler fan,” so they're super familiar with the lady comic scene.
Someone told me once that women are just bad a standup, and shouldn’t do it. The credibility they offered to the argument was that they’re a “HUGE Chelsea Handler fan,” so they're super familiar with the lady comic scene.
Stray cats often eat lizards, so of course they’d show up at the summit of the secret lizard people overlords.
You should spend more time there, I feel like I remember some really good ones. I thought this one tried a little too hard.
Superbly written piece, Ms. Knox.
HOMOPHOBE: n. An self-proclaimed heterosexual person who spends more time thinking about gay sex than 99% of the homosexuals.
I do not understand why people feel the need to share that they think tattoos look awful. Like, okay well thanks for your unsolicited and unnecessary opinion on my appearance! Glad we got that established! I can sleep at night now knowing someone has very important opinions on how the bodies of others look!
It's literally the safest place to get tattooed, as your hair can just grow over it.
I presume that you are going to retire all your cute clothing and wear nothing but loose fitting sweatshirts, elastic-waist mom jeans and crocs when you turn 29, then?
That's why it's hard for me to believe that she was brought up on any charges related to the stalking. Christopher mentioned that the police thought he was crazy for thinking she was in his house. I think it's possible that it could be as far as the entire time she was stalking him that the police didn't take it…
Well, at least that dude's socks are still white.
Today is a day for Team Cat.
My frowns have never been reserved for one person.
sorry but she went along with it, willingly. wasn't coerced in any way that we know of. if we're gonna get all frowny, we should get frowny at BOTH OF THESE IDIOTS.
I had diagnosed you months ago. Acceptance is an important step tho.
Funny. My US bias is coming through. I didn't even think about white folks living outside the US.