
His hands are too close together

@avclub-5182625d9db22ee7fba7b1acf3d429a9:disqus , Are you kidding me? A Chinaman could never take a good fall if his bag of rice depended on it. Now, Laplanders, those folks can take a grade A digger.

Maddow is too much a proper journalist to be a good pundit.

His head exploded in a deodorant commercial, you don't remember?


Sex Dolls and Convincing Transvestites are attractive, dummy.

(smoke) HASH (then) SULK

Fuck Wings. Fuck Steve Webber. Fuck Thomas Hayden Church. Fuck that other guy. Its fucking insulting that NBC thought that was watchable, much less entertaining.

He's counting on one of the guys standing directly behind another. You'll see.


Well right before that, there will be a scene where the nerdy accountant they hired said they will go under in a couple weeks. A lot of papers strewn on a table, dramatic music, and the camera revolving around the action.

Yeah Dave wasn't the most exciting television personality to ever come up, but he does have the edge on Camp in the 'Not being a total shithead' department.

It's no Touch of Satan.

Camp. And he wasn't homeless, just shameless. His parents lived in Greenwich, CT. The only good part about that whole thing was that the runner up outlasted him by about 2 years.

Satisfied that the picture was there, or that clever little put down at the end there?

Where's Firefly Tyreese?
(Edit: It's been a while)


You obviously didn't think to ask it to do simple math, either.

Not gonna lie, I like animals and all, but this is something I always wanted to do since seeing blazing saddles as a wee boy