$10? What is this, 2008?
$10? What is this, 2008?
Or Singled Out
Guys, I think he meant "erections"
Provided you ignore that letter Jefferson wrote. He was never one of the 'good' ones anyway.
FLAGGED for reminding me Bradlee's food court was once a thing
As a regular reader of his blog, it seems like he has come around on Wye Oak. He posted them a bit since this interview last year.
I believe the Nearly Empty Bottle of Juice Association picked up the marketing tab.
Hokey religions and reasonable discussions are not match for a good blaster at your side, kid.
"No ticket"
If you want a picture of the future, imagine a post-production team revising your favorite childhood films, forever.
GIVE $100
-You want me to do what?
GIVE $100 to KickStarter
-I don't know what a 'KickStarter' is.
GIVE Money
-You don't have any 'money'
- $100 bill
-Handwritten Note
-Yellow string
GIVE $100 Bill
-You want me to do what?
This is confusing. Is he smelling his farts while he records his voice or while listening to it. Depending on how it goes, that could be a dealbreaker.
Push the button
For those who wish to compare Obama to Hitler, the comparison must continue to musical tastes. That would imply that REO Speedwagon was the Wagner of their era.
The same professor that had us read Frankenstein, Sirens of Titan and spent a class watching Pinky and the Brain assigned The Awakening. You can't win all the time.
There was something going for a little bit, but I believe it's dead at this point. I mentioned it because when I was reading it I thought 'This is Harry Potter for adults'.
Where does Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell fit into this?