It's got to be Cliff Curtis
It's got to be Cliff Curtis
He's rolling in that Perfect Host money right now
:Owen Hart Drops in:
Um his mom goes to bed at ten, so don't call the house after that.
I'm glad to know that this might not be happening. Between this, Ben Gazzara dying and Lampchop the puppet not touring it was quite the friday buzzkill.
That guy has an stainless steel taint
Unless you only need two to be blitzed, Vodka and Pineapple is heartburn city.
Now get me off this thing, I don't deserve this kind of shabby treatment.
Don't go onto the moor at night.
Broyles, why can't we do what the french did? They're on like their fifth republic, and there were only a few bloody wars in there.
Obviously it's strait up pandering. On top of the fact it would cost around 10 trillion dollars (I remember when that was a hyperbolic amount), I believe moon bases are banned under international treaties and such. It would have to be a multinational base, which I'm sure runs counter to your average republican's belief
Have you ever had someone wave goodbye to you, with your own hand?
I would hesitate to call Jesus and the Mary Chain 'all stars'. And KMFDM wasn't on mine.
::Magic Voice walks out::
With a couple of exceptions (the Cure) wasn't the idea of the soundtrack mostly up-and-coming artists, not necessarily 'all stars'?
There better be some Harvery-Weinstein-Eating-M&Ms-off-the-floor stories out of this one, or I'm out.
Ralph Minidsic is doing swell. He has a walkup in Brooklyn.
I hope not. You wouldn't want that whore to give birth to a litter of hedge trimmers.
The cucumber slices are not optional.