In my alternate version of things, McCain won, did nothing, and had a heart attack when the dow went under 6k. Then we would all see Russia from our houses.
In my alternate version of things, McCain won, did nothing, and had a heart attack when the dow went under 6k. Then we would all see Russia from our houses.
I wouldn't have any idea if it wasn't for that crazy dance that guy did to the pumped up kicks dubstep remix
Well the Illuminati is all about compact fluorescent light-bulbs, so there's that.
Oddly enough, Kudos bars was the first thing I thought of when I read 'Chocolate covered urinal cake'
Failed 96 tearsies
He's a guy who definitely shines more live than in the studio.
Taylor Hawkins takes him to school.
I don't get it.
The best part about 1979 is the song that comes after it.
Dieing a pauper > dieing a prisoner.
I've seen lipstick on a pit bull before. Just in a different spot.
Rotties shouldn't have crazy eyes, most likely the fault of careless linebreeding
Jon Huntsman - Zero Smashing Pumpkins
It's a low rent version of a regular stick
1 guy 1 cup.
It's out of order and/or mislabeled? You're out of order and/or mislabeled! The whole damn system is out of order and/or mislabeled!
If Prometheus was a polar bear, there would be a lot of dead birds. Just sayin'.
Which was just another case of the blind raping the blind.
September 30th is the cut off.
Only one nomination for Union Station? She'll never break 50 at this rate.