How much exactly does Gawker Media pay you to post things about Walking Dead?
How much exactly does Gawker Media pay you to post things about Walking Dead?
This is Gawker Media. Hiding information that doesn’t back up their narrative is what they do
What about legitimate people in the grays with relevant comments? Why should we be dismissed?
I want George Dvorsky pulled from posting any science news. He is literally and figuratively one of the worst science “bloggers” to ever dabble in cut and pasting from AP releases.
and written by a crack team of half brain manatees on meth.
Did you watch the movie in 720p on your iPhone or something?!
Hahahahahahaha, the fact you can say these words without giggling astounds me.
Save it. The grays words are rarely if ever read.
It has an AP that simplifies the fiddly bits.
Especially when its a cherished pet. Mind if I shoot an arrow through your dog/cat?
Do you even care anymore that you have a background in science? Is this worth it? IS IT?
Oh man, must be amazing to be white and affluent in NYC.
*blink blink* There is so much wrong with this statement I cannot begin to respond. I mean I would respond if anyone actually cared what people in the gray actually say. I would even respond in a much less sarcastic tone but why bother?
You need to learn Google.
UGH. Algae are not plants. Don’t science unless you can bloody SCIENCE.
IDW published comics. They’ve been doing it for many years now. Maybe you should Google it since apparently you are not familiar with it.
I have a match needing a home.
First time on Jezebel?
So, why exactly wasnt Jezebel shut down with again?