
Runs counter?! THIS is what Jez is all about. Shit-posting. Buckets of shit-posting.

No. It’s Thank you for explaining how terribly misleading the post happens to be. Words convey meaning. The words used by Hope mislead. It is the Gawker Media way.

This would have been more interesting if you then contrasted to the numerous food brand based museums here in the states. Spam museum anyone?

Then you don’t understand the power of name recognition.

This is problematic

Well they are vastly cheaper than stone fruits or apples and pears.

That is how Gawker logic functions.

Umm there are a number of Black Panther costumes out there:

So the movie shouldn’t exist?

Oh gawker media...Don’t ever change..

Earlier in the day, a pipe bomb exploded near a 5K run in Seaside Park, New Jersey. That device was apparently planted in a trash can. No injuries were reported in New Jersey, and authorities do not yet know if the Chelsea explosion is related.

“White Males Have Lots of Free Time”

Let me introduce you too genetics.

Gawker Media does given how often I’ve seen posts and comments by contributors. Nothing like a clueless post that ignores history.

Dr. Christos Ioannou and his fellow researchers at the School of Biological Sciences have concluded an investigation into the individual and group behaviors of the three-spined stickleback.

Omg! Menstration is murder!

Just how this information was twisted into NASA attempting to retool the zodiac is still honestly pretty baffling. For now, just know that despite what you may have read out on the internet this week, NASA still has absolutely no interest in your zodiac sign.

Easily. See Pathfinder the Card Game.

Where was all that stuff when Luke, Han and Leia were fighting the Empire? The prequels got around that because so much time had passed, you could say all the ships and technology got outdated.

That is probably a dumbo octopus of the genus Grimpoteuthis. Gawker Media is terrible at the science.