That is amazing. He was always in the forefront with honest and open writing while trying to make a difference. You are lucky to have been able to experience that.
That is amazing. He was always in the forefront with honest and open writing while trying to make a difference. You are lucky to have been able to experience that.
I really enjoyed the script. Thanks for being able to point me to it.
Same here!
Another fine episode of The Scary Door.
I must say it is dated but I have a Dragnet radio Christmas episode. I assume it was on the radio first though it was out on vinyl. :)
Smoked like a herring? Just kidding. I wanted to say you are lucky to have met him. I love the Mike Wallace interview found online where Serling is having to explain what Twilight Zone is; and the fact it may be science fiction but it is expressly for adults. He was working so hard to legitimize the premise.
I think that was Iron Giant. I was going to make a witty remark about Gort being related, but someone would only point out that was not a person from Twilight Zone.
…you've finally made a monkey out of me…
I would love an art exhibit like that. Especially if every so often the lights went out…
…and he would have had his peach cobbler too, if the dog didn't take his bowl back.
I felt like a lot of the choices MWC made were more reactionary to whatever Fox wanted to do to get ratings. Worse than the kid stuff was when Fox was trying to promote The Mask so hard it forced MWC to have all of those cartoon cgi scenes in every episode for a while. You know it wasn't what the writer's room was…
Well, he did have that hope of continuing his career as a pin monkey…
Nice to see someone else who watches Broad City (and admits it - haha).
Assy McGee would be fine by me.
Here here, Professor!
Now pass me some dark matter…