Fuck Kinja

My favorite episode of all time is Season 12, Episode 17, Simpson Safari. Bag Boy strike. Homer wants to do everything on the Animal Crackers box, like drive in a convertible with two happy zebras. The chimps trained to mine diamonds for the worlds richest chimp researcher. Pepsi Presents New Zanzibar.

Lisa needs braces!

Isn’t it already illegal to take a minor across a state border without parental consent?

Yep, Delta got the rights back, starting in July it will be Delta Center again.

(I refuse to call it area)“

I enjoy straight mayo to dip fries in.

I have access to millions of personal financial records at my work, and I’d be fired in an instant if I shared an image of it with a coworker without a legitimate reason.

It’s creepy how invested some people get into other peoples relationships.

From the source article:

One ex-employee described a video of a man approaching a vehicle completely naked.”

If Rich says it’s bad then I’m going to go see it in theaters instead of waiting to stream it.

You’re right, I probably missed it in the past because the videos are usually included in the story, but this time I was trying to find which link to go to find the video.

“Does the word “chipotle” belong to the brand Chipotle?”

The 7-11 nearest to my house blasts opera music to keep loitering to a minimum, and it actually works.

I can find much cheaper sandwiches than one that requires me to spend a minimum of $140 just to get it.  That’s a $141.50 sandwich, not $1.50.

I’ve seen lots of links in articles, but they’re usually on topic or at least somewhat related to the words containing the link. 

Yo Kevin Fuckface, you can fuck the fuck off with your racist nonsense.

A 5 pound bag of Yukon Golds is $6, and has about a dozen potatoes in it, making it around $0.50 per potato, which is double the price of a dozen eggs. White potatoes are around $0.75 per potato, almost three times the price of an egg.

What is with the seemingly random links to articles that have nothing to do with the text? Are you trying to fuck with SEO algorithms by pretending having lots of links to other articles make this article more meaningful? An MPD Officer is heard warning him” goes to a story about a different department in a different

How can we fix our bad search algorithm?  Let’s add a dumb chatbot algorithm on top of it!