Fuck Kinja

I’m sure some dumbass state legislator has thought of trying to ban people from eating food in the shower, just based on how many stupid laws they submit and actually pass.  But how would they justify banning people from eating food in the shower?  How would it be enforced?  Is it a sign of how many stupid laws are

Is it possible to overdose on protein?  KFC wants to find out.

The FDA says that only service animals are allowed inside grocery stores.  I’d report a store that was letting obviously untrained pets inside.

Despite the example of the sticker being provided in the article and the original news story, you think it’s made up?

There’s a local theater (Brewvies) that has a bar and serves really great bar food that I’ll eat at while seeing a movie, cause their prices/portions are closer to restaurants/bars than movie theaters. Aside from that I’ll eat at a restaurant and fill myself up before seeing a movie in a regular theater. Movie theater

Even if it were true (it’s probably not) she got famous harassing children in public places. She’s reaping what she sowed.

Bushisms live on.

They lost their childhoods to fame, so they’re still acting like children.

If I had to work with Jenna Bush Hager I’d stop going to work, too.

I’ve got a few thousand cards I “inherited” that are about to end up in the landfill, as well.  Too much hassle to look up and identify each card.  Not even worth putting them on Craiglist or Facebook for free, cause I don’t want to meet the person willing to take a bunch of junk from a stranger.

All of them. Dude looks faker than any Kardashian.

Using that logic, the biggest streamers are the biggest pieces of shit, cause “Controversy drives clicks so that tends to be the focus.”

Amazing.  Someone so dumb that they make armchair psychologists look brilliant and credible.

You’ll have to forgive them if that insult goes over their head for the next few centuries.  Eventually one of them will get it.

What?  You mean just getting together with someone to fuck them until you get bored isn’t a productive, healthy lifestyle? 

Is that all you got out of it?  You should slap your elementary school teachers for failing to teach you how to comprehend what you’re reading.

The bottle is taking on air regardless of how you pour it, but if you pour it spout side down the air going in is impeding the oil coming out (which is the glugging), where as pouring with the spout side up the air travels over the oil without getting in the way.

You’re just plain fucking wrong.

A Twitch ban should be the last of his concerns.  He exposed children to pornography.  He should be facing serious prison time.
