Incorrect. AIs are programs.
Incorrect. AIs are programs.
50% of the disaster is the drink, the other 50% is going to Applebee’s in the first place.
Kids, and humans in general, can make art based from their own experiences, they don’t need to see someone else’s art before making their own art. An AI CAN NOT do that, it has to be told what art is, shown art made by someone else, and then it mimics that art according to its program.
Show me an AI that doesn’t need to be trained to create art after seeing art created by others, and I’ll show you a true AI. What’s that? No AI has come close to that level? My five year old niece was drawing and coloring long before she understood what drawing, coloring, or art was, so our “artificial intelligences”…
Everyone wants this!
Source, please.
I’m not sure how I feel about the military employing someone with the same emotional maturity level as my GFs middle school kid, who hasn’t actually been able to hurt himself physically while throwing one of his frequent temper tantrums over a game.
Your opinions are so fundamentally flawed you could pass for an American.
The most popular drinking games are the ones that people have to search for, but not the games that they’re already playing because they don’t need the internet to tell them how to play it?
You’re an idiot.
There was stiff competition from Leftopolis and Left-Mart, maybe they just couldn’t compete anymore.
Stupid Flanders, you’re a genius!
They haven’t been discontinued, they’re just hard to find.
Others want to knifely game in peas.
Last December when I was looking to buy a new car I considered Kia, but the dealers near me had everything marked up and wouldn’t let me even test drive without a deposit. Glad I looked at the Subaru dealer a couple blocks away a second time cause they had exactly what I wanted in transit already, test drove a lesser…
Yeah, I always thought the entire concept was simply an invention for ads.
“simply gaming in peace”
Seems very on point. He’s just working for a new company doing the same thing the old one did, offering garbage products only suckers would spend money on.
So it’s kinda like Amazon Pantry? Never got anything from Pantry that wasn’t nearly 90% of the way through it’s Best By/Sell By/Use By dates compared to stuff from grocery stores. Got a box of cereal from Pantry that had less than a month left on its date, never got a cereal from a store with less than 10 months left,…
Don’t forget Eric Clapton. Even Roger Waters has approached that line of senility, trying to convince Ukraine that Russia isn’t so bad.