
Psychopaths blend in better with society. Nice try though.

I think it's dis tasteful for a man to go topeless. Id like my right to not have a tan line on my boobs though. In my yard. On any beach. Or for others to have the right to be like any ol person walking down the street shirtless, whatever my opinion.

why hasn't anyone sued him yet? I'm sure he's written something shitty about someone.

Dr drew used to be amazing on loveline but I feel diagnosing a brain truama without, X-rays, documentation of the incident, or any psychological symptoms is wreck less. She's not shown any signs of seizures, rage ect. He's got an inflated head

This is just as bad as when I saw a book I forget the title written by a women about how we would one day rule men and the world. This just made me mad. Because ew if he’s serious. And I feel bad for his wife with all the lame jokes she has to put up with. Also some people might take this seriously. Ugh. Can’t we all

Beyonce is not all that. Pokemon go I tried it and it lacked all the cool things I loved about Pokemon as a kid.

Use organic hair dye ;p

I have a child, if she this procedure without telling me I would be hurt, not because she is having an abortion, but because she felt too ashamed or afraid to tell me and felt I wouldn't support her, cry with her if she needed me to, or understand her situation. I was 20 when I got pregnant. I lived in an emotional