This is STILL GOING ON? Oh, Kate. I'm so sorry. That said, I can't think of anything else I've seen her in lately. In my mind (and heart, tbh), she will always be Flora Poste.
This is STILL GOING ON? Oh, Kate. I'm so sorry. That said, I can't think of anything else I've seen her in lately. In my mind (and heart, tbh), she will always be Flora Poste.
Meanwhile, my partner occasionally eats cereal in the car. When I learned this, I made her watch that episode and just glared at her the entire time. If I catch her doing anything ridiculous while driving, I'll just call her donkey brained.
I gave up on the show for a couple of years a little way into season six - I thought it got a bit repetitive. There's some good episodes in S6 but I do think it's one of the weaker ones. Fat Mac's appearance in S7 really does make it seem like they'd sensed the show losing momentum and wanted a way to shake it up a…
Yeah I seem to remember that my attention wanders every time I watch Ass Kickers, but it is enjoyable for yet another ridiculous Dennis scheme, and (much like Mac) I just love it when Rex is around.
I get the Liberty Bell one (I like it) but don't think any of the others are particularly sub-par? As for the first season, it was the intro for me. I think it works as an intro to the group's dynamic - and then a lot of the fun is the ways Frank actually disrupts their dynamic. Their lives really get ridiculous when…
I think Reynolds vs. Reynolds: The Cereal Defence may be peak Always Sunny. I'm not sure if it works quite so well as an introduction as it may be a bit of an in-jokey episode for beginners, but I think as an episode that captures everything that's great about the show at its best, it's my favourite.
Yeah, guaranteed skip in any watch through - I think it's the only one!
Last season of Archer was such a misfire, this better be good.
They're the best ones!!
I only just found out he did a second literally just now, while looking him up to see if he'd done anything in the last couple years. Highly recommend anything he's done tbh.
Yeah, I did admit it's both snobby and elitist up front to be fair. But judging other people for their pop culture choices is at least 30-65% of all that is fun in the world, so what are you gonna do.
Oh, you absolutely should read it. The Summer Is Over And We Are Not Yet Saved is also great, but One Bloody Thing really is just something special. Overqualified is also good - not read the second book but the first is ace and there's loads of it online - it's a tragic story of loss told through job application…
It's not the line so much as Crowe's delivery tbh, he is not a good fake drunk.
It's good! But oh boy that guy is a right dafty. If he'd just read a map he wouldn't have died. And he's inspired so many incredibly dull people to be very dull about how much the modern world drags them down LIKE THEY'RE SO SPECIAL AND NO ONE ELSE HATES THEIR JOBS JEEEEZ
Isn't he the greatest though? One Bloody Thing After Another is seriously just one of my favourite books ever written, I've really just never read anything like it. In Portlandia where they do the Feminist Bookstore joke about the teens coming in looking for their queer horror, like that's a really ridiculous thing, I…
You're not wrong! I've avoided plenty of classics for the same reason. But I still can't bring myself to read any more John Green or respect grown adults who read John Green, I guess is my point here.
She's in Into The Wild too, right? Not so great in that either.
Yeah I get you, it would be nice to read them, but my to-read pile is overflowing with books for grown-ups that I really don't have the time to fit in a series that will make me look like a turnip on the bus because it's for children.
You are correct! I'm so embarrassed, but you should be moreso.
Yeah I've only seen the first two to be honest, and they're hilariously trashy and bad, so I enjoyed them well enough but could never bring myself to carry on. New Moon is particularly terrible because the vampire woman with the power to see the future, which mostly seemed to end up just letting her see the present,…