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    Totally agree with you in all accounts and I know that you weren't serious. I was just stating something that I've read about Eva :)

    You forgot her skulls and preserved insects collection!!

    Eva apparently goes out of character right after "CUT!" is said and is known to hang out with the crews than her co-stars. That growl scared me shitless though.

    Yeah I read that he's in a new show.

    And Eva Green describes it as kind of like Romeo & Juliet

    Already did. Eva's fansite who live tweets with Showtime got a barrage of tweets from Christians calling Eva out lol

    Not to worry, it was a bald cap so Ethan will surely have his hair back on season 3!

    Any news that tells me that Eva Green will act her heart out on a project worthy of her and her talents is good news.

    Rumor has it that it's written off for 6 seasons

    It's Eva Green being Eva Green in that photo!

    Yeah she is. She said she's very cerebral and thinks of things way too much.

    and teasing about decolletage and undergarments!

    You've obviously not been watching this season.

    According to her official (but not really?) website, she's cut down on smoking but still smokes from time to time. They said her mother has been telling her to stop for years.

    I strangely smile when Vanessa smiles because it's rare.

    Dark blonde. There are pics of her as a child and teen with dark blonde hair.

    Eva doesn't smoke pot. She just smokes. I read it was Logan's idea to have Vanessa smoke pot because it was legal at the time.